at The Centre For Whole Health, Bristol BS3 3BP
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“I’ve so so so so enjoyed these months of online classes with you! I know I’ve said it a few times, but really it has been so enriching, nourishing, moving, inspiring and grounding to connect with you weekly in this practice. Thank you so much, you are a brilliant teacher.” Miranda June 202
“During a break from Caroline’s classes, I pinched my femoral nerve, which resulted in a really sore knee and shooting pains down my leg. I tried various therapies to help it and, although it improved, it nver went away entirely. Fast forward 18 months and I was able to get back to Caroline’s yoga class. From the very first session, I never experienced another twinge in my leg. Her thoughtful, embodied way of working just enabled me to feel my way back to alignment in my hips and – bingo!- no more leg pain. I always look forward to Caroline’s classes as they are an absolute joy and my mind and body both find them invaluable!” Fliss 2020

“Caroline is a warm, welcoming teacher with a thorough understanding of the body and how it works which she shares with the class at every opportunity. The style of yoga she teaches is slow which gives everyone plenty of time to explore the instructions given and really get to know their body better.” Daisy

“Caroline’s teaching has completely changed my understanding of yoga. I look forward to her classes – they are a chance to work through any tensions you have built up and reconnect to your body. It is really worth sticking with this approach. Initially it feels slower than other yoga, but it is a real journey of discovery! Highly recommended.” Katharine