Breathe – Deepening Practice

Please note: this course is only available to those who have completed a six week breathing course with me. I will be running the six week Breathe course again in 2025 – find out more & register interest here.

Starting Friday 11th October 2024, Breathe – Deepening Practice is a 12 month continuation course to consolidate & deepen your breathing practice so that it becomes an integral part of your life.

Would you like to nurture a regular and consistent breathing practice that supports you though all of life’s ebbs and flows?

Breathe – Deepening Practice will help you feel confidence & trust in yourself so that you feel safe to explore and experiment with breath enquiries on your own.

Developing & deepening your practice will nourish you on every level, so you can enjoy more ease, flow and presence within yourself and relationships as you go about your everyday life – for life!

Does this sound familiar?

• You’ve begun to practice regularly during the past weeks and would like something to help you stay on track and really ground it in

• You’ve loved trying out all the different techniques and would like to get to know them more intimately and to integrate them into daily life.

• The techniques are feeling more embodied now and you’d love to continue the journey.

• You’ve felt better for devoting some time to caring for yourself and would like to continue to do that.

• You’ve felt the benefits of Breathe and sense that you are about to make a breakthrough with starting your own practice and want to ensure that it happens.

• You’re becoming more aware of where there’s push & pull and wish to open into receiving and releasing the breath more freely.

• You’d like to be able to drop into a receptive state easily and anywhere.

• You’d like to explore and experience more ‘whole body breathing’ and apply it to your movement/asana practice.

• You have experienced or sensed that breathing holds a key to a more spacious, conscious & connected way of being in the world and would like help in continuing to access that.

Then Breathe – Deepening Practice is for you!

“relaxing into a breath
that can be felt through my whole body
takes me on a journey
from my head
to my belly
from the crowded city of thoughts
to the spacious land of presence”

Will Johnson

What to expect

Breathe – Deepening Practice is a 12 month online course, available only to those who have attended the the 6 week Breathe course. It is a closed group so that we can support, share our learnings and grow together.

Course includes:

  • 12 Live monthly sessions via Zoom, with guided breath enquiries & practices.
    All calls recorded so you can watch in your own time.
  • Special bonuses to help you stay committed to your breathing practice and gain personalised 1:1 guidance to further deepen and support your journey:

Bonus #1: Breathe Better Notes to help & inspire you in your practice.

Bonus #2: 1:1 guidance to support your personal breathing practice with 2 x 20min calls via Zoom (one during the first 6 months, one during the second)

Bonus #3: Monthly group questions/reflection sessions to support and develop practice in community. These will take place immediately after the recorded live session (7.15-7.45pm) and will not be recorded.

Fridays 6.00 – 7.15pm (followed by bonus group question time, until 7.45pm)
2024: 11th October, 8th November, 13th December
2025: 10th January, 7th February, 7th March, 11th April, 9th May, 6th June, 11th July, 15th August, 12th September

Breathe – Deepening Practice

Price for Breathe participants only: £369
Price for Unravelling The Breath participants- includes Breathe practice notes: £407

For all: there is also a payment plan. Three installments due by 7th Sep, 8th Oct & 8th Nov – contact me for details.

I completed Breathe – count me in for the next 12 months!

I completed Unravelling The Breath – count me in for the next 12 months!